CE Inventors Day 9.11.X

Hi every body how is inventing this day? 🙂

hedy-lamar.jpg Can you believe it that this nice Lady is an Inventor? 

Today is her (your) day!

Here in Europe we have the Inventors Day at 9.11.X  /11.9.X, this is the birthday of Heyde Lamar Hollywood actress and communications technology innovator.

-Definitely to nice for that kind of invention. 🙂
The day is proclaimed in CE by Gerhard Muthenthaler a German Inventor that lives in Berlin.
Homepage of the Inventors Day:  http://www.tag-der-erfinder.de/

At this day, modern Inventors should:

-Encourage people towards their own ideas and for a change to the better

-Remind people of forgotten inventors

acad.jpg more about Heyde Lamar and her invention at Wikipedia