From earlier posts you actually know CADRelations and if you use standard components for your design than you also know Traceparts. Today we finally finished the project to integrate Traceparts digital Content in CADRelations. This gives you the ability to get informed about the latest news and right after that you download the missing standard component you need to complete your assembly.
A little bit like the situation you maybe have on your way to the office in the morning . -You stop by your favorite Coffee shop and buy a beagle, coffee and the newspaper. Most easy as possible! You know what I mean. 🙂
I am realy proud that we could atract Traceparts to collaborate with us. -A big thank you to our new friends.
And the best thing is, it is a multilingual integration, so that everyone arround the globe, that is looking for digital content, can switch to the preferred language and search for the right part or assembly(pssst, so we got prepared for a launch in other languages later, but this is depending on your demanding).
So let me know when you want to see CADRelations in your language! Maybe we should go for English early next year. 🙂
Take the opportunity to tell me your thoughts and send me a mail