Autodesk Showcase 2012: Calender Page for October 2011


Hi all,
I thought September would be less busy for me, but I had to work on a couple of projects so I was busy like hell and during this weekend was down depending on Maintenance on the provider side and then we had a database overflow (all back to normal now), anyway it is all about flying around between projects and problems. 🙂

So I had the next theme for my calender page series, Aviation, so I choose a helicopter model for this month. As you know from time to time it strikes me and I can’t decide which scenario will be this month Calender Page, so I come up with 3 Desktop backgrounds and one with the month tag on it, anyway I hope you like the pictures.

october2011.jpg heli02.jpg heli01.jpg heli03.jpg

Take care,

Helge Brettschneider