Hi all,
Showcase 2013 is relased! -Not a major news anymore, but it is new to my workstation and so I produced the Calender page for May with it! 🙂
I was at first a little irritated by the new toolbar at the bottom of the screen, it was something like a spot on your display that drives your attention but after 20 minutes it lost my eyes interest! At the end I have to say for people that are not so addicted to shortcuts it is a great improvement.
This time I used the part of the new Inventor demo model the front loader, you may know the model from the 2012 launch screen, I thought it is interesting to use a part of the loader instead of the complete assembly, it looks like they have taking it apart for service. And finaly it is our fist Calender page that is in a 16:9 shape, I hope you will like it.
Helge Brettschneider