Autodesk University 2012 (USA): „Like“ CADRelations on Facebook and get 500$ promo code for AU Registration


WOW, perfect, exciting, marvels, out standing,

oh, sorry I should tell you why I am so excited, like we say in German: „Expect the unexpected!“ We got the ability (Big thanks to Autodesk MSD) to provide you a 500 discount code for your Autodesk University registration fee.

Hard times in the Moment and we all short in Money and the fees for attending AU in Las Vegas are pretty high, no question. – On the other hand AU participation is worth every dollar you have to pay for it, but 500 Dollar less makes it an even better deal right? 🙂


What you need to do for getting the discount? – Not much, just give us a like on facebook and you will get the promo code for AU 2012.

Is this limited to US Residents? -No, this is a community offer for CADRelations fans and supporter around the world.

Hurry up the offer is limited till the 26th of November and today we already on the 9th, you see not a long period…..

Now, give us a „like“ and surprise your boss and get involved.

CADRelations on Facebook:


Helge Brettschneider