Hi Guys,
how you are doing these Days? – I hope you are all doing good! 🙂
Trends are changing and over the time it seems to me that QR-Codes are getting more and more popular overtime. I wouldn’t call it a new trend, QR Codes are around for a while now, but with getting more and more people getting interesting in using it, it get’s more and more strange where these codes are appearing.
Let me describe where are QR Codes beneficial to use them!
- In all situations where you want to connect online with printing for example, except for in fight magazines. Why? That’s easy, did you ever took one of this magazines home with you? – No, you see that’s why. -Just kidding. Lets be serious when you wrote an article for a magazine and you want to promote one of your YouTube videos this is the best approach.
- Another example is to integrate a QR Code in your company Image Video that is shown on a trade show, even when it is hosted on YouTube. As you know YouTube isn’t any longer limited to your office or your computer.
- Expect the following situation you watch a chef like “ Jamie Oliver “ preparing something, it mind be helpful to have a QR-Code on-screen that provides a link to the written recipe. In our little CAD World this could be a documentation to a specific modeling approach, right?
- Or create a QR -Code for your new business card, with your business contact details, nothing easier to transfer your pain paper based contact info to someone else.
A few years back I wrote about a QR-Code on AutoCAD Drawings, to connect the printed drawing to you AutoCAD WS files. Very helpful, when you are onside and have a problem that appeared during your building side visit.
These are a few examples where you can integrate QR- Codes in your Content or Material, Scott Stratten, gives you some more examples, where you should not place them! 🙂
Till next,
Helge Brettschneider
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