Autodesk University2007 Video

In 2004 I had the opportunity to present at AU in Las Vegas. I have been to every AU since then for the past 3 years speaker or assistent, I created the AU Video to share my experiences. For AU 2007, I will make my 3rd AU Video (Autodesk will provide a free conference pass). At this blog you will find some postings about my preparations for AU. Later during Autodesk University I will share my experience of AU. I also hope this blog will also help me connect with other attendees of AU and perhaps get some of you be a Star in the AU 2007 video…. Have you been at AU2006 or at the event in the years before 2006? So take the link below and you have the ability to see the Video from 2006 and also have the ability to download the videos from 2004 and 2005.

I hope you will enjoy! By the way: „thank you very mutch!“ -To the actors (AU attendees) and Shaan Hurley my team member.  au2004.jpg au2005.jpg au2006.jpg AU-Videos            

Photoshoot at the F1 racetrack Nürburgring


Letzte Woche war ich in der Eifel am Nürburgring bei den Modena Track Days und hatte die Aufgabe dort ein eine Fotostrecke zu machen. Ich habe es sehr genossen, das Wetter war zwar nicht so optimal, aber seht selbst. 

(die Bilder findet Ihr im Bereich „Ferrari on racetrack“) 

Hi everybody,
last week I’ve been at the German F1 Racetrack Nürburgring to attend the Ferrari driver Meeting called Modena Track Days. I did a photo shooting for one of my clients. So here you find some of the pictures that I have taken. I hope you will enjoy. 
(You find the pictures in the section „Ferrari on racetrack“)                                  

Hallo, welcome


Herzlich wilkommen auf meinem neuen zweisprachigen Blog „Collaboration“. In Zukunft werde ich hier Informationen und Gedanken zu den Themen „Die Welt von Autodesk und mein Leben als Consultant und Fachjornalist“  veröffentlichen. 
Seien Sie gespannt, was mir dabei so alles schreibenswert erscheint und sich hier dann im Blog wiederfindet.

H. Brettschneider