Hi all,
you may wonder, did he stop the series after 5 years now? -The answer is no I don’t, I will continue the series, I was just too busy and honestly missed the publishing deadline. 🙂
I had to work on 3 big projects. Porject number one was Video production for the online trade show CADMesse for Man and Machine this project is still on going.
Project two was creating a new web side for MCD Media Consulting.The old portal remained for nearly 8 years without any improvement. It was time for a complete make over and now it is finished I hope you like the new metro style of www.MCDCAD.de. It may take a while sins Google and the other search engines have replaced the old links.
Anyway, the third one was moving CADRelations to MYSQL 5 and this got finished last week. It wasn’t easy to change, but we made it, if you need assistance in such a project we can now point you to the right solutions, – just drop me a mail.
Long story short, it is time for fun, and here it comes the first SUV in this Showcase series the BMW X5, as you know I am fan of the sea, so I brought my styling interpretation to a Beach in Denmark and Italy.I hope you will like it. 🙂
Till next time,
Helge Brettschneider
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