Autodesk CAM: From product design to manufacturing in one platform -Webinar 23.April

Hi CAD/CAM-Fans,

I know this is some kind of short message from my side, please take my apologies for that. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to inform my international readers, that Autodesk CAM has teamed up with for a webinar about Inventor HSM 2016.

The webinar will be conducted twice. Premiere is around lunchtime and second condition is in the evening (Europe timezone).

Bildschirmfoto 2015-04-22 um 12.08.37

Lars Christensen will show you how to utilize new features of Inventor 2016 like the anyCAD function and how to use advanced 3D and 5-Axis milling and turning.

Link to the Autodesk CAM Event Page


-BTW if you are prefer to attend a German language based webinar regarding new features of Inventor 2016 and Inventor HSM. I working on schedules and preparations for 27th of May. I keep you posted



Helge Brettschneider